Friday, February 7, 2014

Peek into my Closet- February

Shirt: Kohl's
Scarf: Target
Pants: Kohl's
Shoes: Payless

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Be a Text Talker Anchor Chart

In preparation for the state standardized tests, I made an anchor chart that has several sentence starters for the students to use in extended response questions.  

Peek into my Closet- February

Necklace: Forever 21
Sweater: Kohl's
Pants: Target
Boots: Target 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Absent Student Folders

Keeping track of absent student's work throughout the day can get time consuming!  I found these absent student folders on TPT and love them!! Basically, it is just a laminated folder that all of the papers that the student would have gotten throughout the day goes in.  Instead of the student coming back to their desk covered in papers, they all stay contained until they complete the work.  Once the work is complete, the students turn it in in the folder.  I made about 8 just in case a few disappear.  Here is the link for the absent folders.   If you are not into the owls, there are several others to choose from!


 I don't try to cut the pockets, I just lay the work inside.

Here is another design I used before I found the owls:

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Peek into my Closet- January Recap

Even though I love my winter wardrobe, I am ready for it to be warm out! Here is a recap of my outfits from January.  Click on fashion to see more outfit ideas!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Reasons to Write Anchor Chart

At the beginning of the year, I helped my students brainstorm reasons why we write.  I keep this chart hung up in the room so that whenever they say, "I don't know what to write about" I just point them in the direction of our chart.  It was also a great into to author's purpose.

Valentine's For Students

Each year I decide to do something different and I wanted to find something that I could use year after year.  My friend actually whipped these tags together and I printed them off and bought Valentine's pencils at the dollar section in Target.  A pencil does not fit through one hole punch, so I had to punch four holes together. I find it easier to not write their names on these so that I can easily pass them out.  

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Peek into my Closet- January

Sweater: Charlotte Russe
Necklace: Old Navy
Blake Jeans: Kohl's
Shoes: Payless

Shirt: Kohl's
Necklace: Forever 21
Jeans: JCP
Shoes: Payless

Shirt: H&M
Necklace: Forever 21
Pants: Kohl's
Shoes: Payless

Sweater: Target
Cami: Kohl's
Nacklace: Old Navy
Jeggings: Kohl's
Shoes: Payless

If you like these posts, check out my fashion link to see more!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Guided Reading Basket

 When working with guided reading groups, there are certain things that I need readily available so that there are no interruptions or distractions as I am teaching.  In my guided reading basket, I have everything that gets me through all 5 groups and even my math small group!

Items (from back to front): (behind the white board) Reading Conference Binder and Guided Reading Binder
2 sets of reading comprehension spinners
Daily 5 CAFE cards
Writing prompts flip book
2 sets of task cards that fit with any book 
Tin Cup: markers, pens, pencils, highlighters, and dry erase markers
Sticky notes
Story comprehension dice (the kids love these!)

Reading Comprehension task cards that fit any book. 

Reading Comprehension Spinners (can be found at United Art and Education)